The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer revealed that trust is in crisis around the world. Things have worsened since then and the trust deficit issue deters many prospective employees from wishing to embark on a long-term career. So an Employee Satisfaction Survey run in conjunction with the Board review is an opportunity to measure the strength and importance of management/staff/customer relationships at a time when, the rapidly changing environment is demanding companies to reshape and innovate their service offerings at a time which coincides with widespread industry de-staffing, as technology rapidly replaces the compelling face-to-face customer relationships that have traditionally characterised many industries
Author Archives: Martin Gray
Jeito Board Reviews
Gaining Greater Insight through Global Perspectives
The use of Web technology has allowed Jeito to be a pioneer in the facilitation of Web based, Board Reviews across Australia since 2004 and the UK since 2006.
Working across different cultures has allowed us to evolve the content of our reviews to provide extra dimensions to our insights. We design our content to meet both sector and regional needs.
“Assessing against credible standards provided a very helpful benchmark and context. We can now move forward with implementing our plans for development, confident that we have a board which is performing well.” Jeito UK Client
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Delivering an Educational Experience
Ultimately the review process should be the starting point for ongoing improvements to the effectiveness of the Board, or as the Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tzu, said: ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.
The evolution over the past ten years of Jeito’s Board reviews has acted as the launching pad for several of our innovations, which have been designed to meet our ultimate objective of making the reviews an educational experience.
Using Web Technology to Deliver Cost Effective Board Reviews
Just as the Web has changed many ways of doing business, Jeito has been pioneering, since 2004, the use of Web technology to deliver cost effective Board reviews.
Our clients are telling us that apart from easier participation (from office or home or mobile) and a significant reduction in overall cost, the increased anonymity of the Web allows for responses to be more candid, thus delivering greater insight into the issues that require surfacing.
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